Database Reading Group

The Database Reading Group is a Datalab-sponsored entity that exists to discuss papers related (broadly speaking) to database technology. We meet on a weekly basis, Friday mornings from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. The standard meeting place is room 130 in PSU's Fourth Avenue Building. The group welcomes anyone, inside or outside of PSU, with an interest in the subject matter. Designated group members will lead the discussion each week.

DIRECTIONS: From the building's main entrance on Fourth Ave., follow the hallway at the northeast (far left) corner of the large lobby until it ends with a set of glass doors on your right. Enter these doors into a study area. A neon sign announcing the Department of Computer Science will be in front of you. Room 130 is the second glass door on the left from the main office door. It does not require badge access and should be open.

We occasionally need to move to a different location; if we know in advance, it will be listed below.

Reading group announcements are sent to the group mailing list at To join our Google group and stay updated on discussions and announcements, please visit: Google Group Link .

Scheduled papers (with Web links where possible) and discussion leaders are listed below. You can also see a list of papers previously discussed.


There will be no meeting this week.