Elcirc 4.01 User Manual


  1. Input files:
    1. Important symbols
    2. Horizontal grid
    3. Vertical grid
    4. Parameter input
    5. Initial condition for salinity and temperature
    6. Bottom drag (drag.bp)
    7. wind (wind.th)
    8. Time history input
    9. obe.out
    10. ndelt.gr3
    11. adv.gr3
    12. Lat/long coordinates (hgrid.ll)
    13. Heat exchange
    14. wswitch.gr3
    15. Conservation check files (fluxflag.gr3 and hcheck.gr3)
    16. vvd.dat, hvd.mom, and hvd.tran
    17. Amplitudes and phases of boundary forcings
    18. Nodal factor and equilibrium arguments
    19. Hot start input (hotstart.in)
  2. Output files:
    1. Global output
    2. Warning and fatal messages
    3. Run info output (mirror.out)


Input files

Important symbols

np: # of nodes in the horizontal grid;

ne: # of elements in the horizontal grid;

ns: # of sides in the horizontal grid;

nvrt: # of levels in the vertical grid

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Horizontal grid (hgrid.gr3)

In gredit grid format.

Below is a sample: 

fort_12062002.14 : alphanumeric description

55880 30001 :  # of elements and nodes in the horizontal grid

(Coordinate part):

1 386380.409604 286208.187634 5.122  : node #, x,y, depth
2 386460.352736 285995.038877 9.167
3 386687.720000 286213.590000 1.000
4 386460.076848 286367.779818 2.209
5 386678.380000 286483.440000 1.614
6 386180.219063 286405.956765 4.627
7 386409.007263 286563.660632 2.629
8 386186.575437 286680.225393 4.195
9 385958.392423 286604.196847 4.177 


(Connectivity part)

1 3 1 2 3  : element #, triangular flag, node 1, node 2, node 3
2 3 3 4 1
3 3 3 5 4
4 3 1 4 6
5 3 4 7 6


(Boundary condition part) 

3 : Number of open boundaries
95 : Total number of open boundary nodes
85 : Number of nodes for open boundary 1
15185 : first node


25 = number of land boundaries
4079 = Total number of land boundary nodes
1452 0 = Number of nodes for land boundary 1
19947  : first node



Note: the boundary condition (b.c.) part can be generated with xmgredit5/GridDEM/Create open/land boudnaries.

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Vertical grid (vgrid.in)

43 4825.1 :  total # of vertical levels, z-coordinate of MSL (mean sea level)
1 3667.00 3667.00 : level #, layer thickness, z-coordinate of level line
2 1000.00 4667.00
3 100.00 4767.00
4 10.00 4777.00
5 9.40 4786.40
6 5.00 4791.40
7 5.00 4796.40
8 3.00 4799.40
9 2.00 4801.40
10 2.00 4803.40
11 1.50 4804.90
12 1.00 4805.90
13 0.80 4806.70
14 0.80 4807.50
15 0.80 4808.30
16 0.80 4809.10
17 0.80 4809.90
18 0.80 4810.70
19 0.80 4811.50
20 0.70 4812.20
21 0.70 4812.90
22 0.70 4813.60
23 0.70 4814.30
24 0.70 4815.00
25 0.70 4815.70
26 0.70 4816.40
27 0.70 4817.10
28 0.70 4817.80
29 0.70 4818.50
30 0.70 4819.20
31 0.70 4819.90
32 0.70 4820.60




  1. Origin of z is a point below deepest depth and therefore ZMSL > max(depth);
  2. Thickness is from previous level to current level;
  3. Global output is from the bottom to max. level (e.g., 43 in this case).

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Parameter input (param.in):

Explanation of each line:

  1. 48-character string description of the version.

  2. 48-character start time info string.

  3. ipre: pre-processing flag.

    =1: output centers.bp, sidecenters.bp and obe.out (centers build point, sidcenters build point, and list of open boundary elements), and stop. =0: skip this part.

  4. nscreen = screen output on/off switch (0: off; 1: on). In either case, mirror output messages will be directed into mirror.out.  

  5. ihot = hot start flag. If ihot=0, cold start; if ihot/=0, hot start from hotstart.in. If ihot=1 (forecast option), the time and time step are reset to zero, and outputs start from scratch accordingly. If ihot=2 (hindcast option), the run (and output) will continue from the time specified in hotstart.in

  6. ics = coordinate frame flag. If ics=1, Cartesian coordinates are  used; if ics=2, degrees latitude/longitude are used.  

  7. slam0, sfea0 = centers of projection used to convert lat/long to Cartesian coordinates. These are only used for ics=2, or a variable Coriolis parameter is employed (ncor=2).  

  8. theta0 = implicitness parameter (between 0.5 and 1).  

  9. ibcc, ibtp = barotropic/baroclinic flags. If ibcc=0, a baroclinic model is used and regardless of the value for ibtp, the transport equation is solved. If ibcc=1, a barotropic model is used, and the transport equation may (when ibtp=1) or may not (when ibtp=0) be solved; in the former case, S and T are treated as passive tracers.  

  10. If ibcc=0, the next line is: nrampbc, drampbc: ramp option flag and ramp-up period (in days). If nrampbc=0, drampbc is not used. A hyperbolic tangent function is used for ramp-up.

  11. tempmin, tempmax, saltmin, saltmin: minimum and maximum values allowed for temperature and salinity. These are used to filter out “illegal” temperature/salinity especially when a heat exchange model is used. They must be a subset of the validity regions for the equation of state (i.e., 0<=tempmin<=tempmax <=40, and 0<=saltmin<=saltmin<=42). For ibcc=1, and ibtp=0, T and S are assumed to be 10C and 33psu respectively throughout the simulation, and therefore the minimum and maximum values must include these two values for this case. 

  12. rnday = total # of run days.

  13. nramp, dramp = ramp option for the tides, and ramp-up period in days (not used if nramp=0).  

  14. dt = external time step(in sec) for momentum and continuity equations.

  15. nsubfl = 0, 1, or 2: flag to determine how the number of subdivisions in backtracking is computed. For nsubfl=0, a constant value, specified below, is used throughout the domain; for nsubfl=1, the number of subdivisions is read in from ndelt.gr3; for nsubfl=2, the number of subdivisions is automatically calculated in the code based on the local velocity gradient, subject to the max. and min. specified below.  

  16. If nsubfl=0, the next line is: ndelt = constant number of subdivisions.

    If nsubfl=2, the next line is: ndeltmin, ndeltmax: minimum and maximum number of subdivisions allowable.  

  17. nadv = advection on/off switch. If nadv=1, advection is on for the whole domain (and this is the default). If nadv=0, advection is selectively turned off based on the input file adv.gr3.  

  18. h0 = minimum depth (in m) (recommended value: 1cm). When the total depth is less than h0, the corresponding sides/elements are considered as dry; it also controls the minimum layer thickness. This should always be positive to prevent underflow.

  19. ntau = bottom friction option. If ntau=0, a constant drag coefficient is used for bottom friction parameterization. If ntau=1, a logarithmic law is applied to the parameterization. If ntau=2, the drag coefficients are read in from drag.bp.  

  20. If ntau=0, the next line is: Cd0 = constant drag coefficient.  

  21. ncor = Coriolis option. If ncor=0, a constant Coriolis parameter is used. If ncor=2, a variable Coriolis parameter, based on a beta-plane approximation, is used, with the lat/long. coordinates of the grid read in from hgrid.ll. In this case, the center of CPP projection must be correctly specified (see above).  

  22. If ncor=0, the next line is: cori = constant Coriolis parameter.  

  23. nws, wtiminc = wind forcing options and the interval (in seconds) with which the wind input is read in. If nws=0, no wind is applied (and wtiminc becomes immaterial). If nws=1, constant wind is applied to the whole domain at any given time, and the time history of wind is input from wind.th. If nws=2, spatially and temporally variable wind is applied and the input consists of a number of hdf files customized for CORIE.  

  24. If nws>0, the next line is: nrampwind, drampwind = ramp option and period (in days) for wind.  

  25. ihconsv, isconsv = heat budget and salt conservation models flags (the latter is inactive at the moment). If ihconsv=0, the heat budget model is not used. If ihconsv=1, a customized heat budget model is invoked for CORIE domain. The latter entails a number of hdf files for radiation flux input.  

  26. itur = turbulence closure model selection. If itur=0, constant diffusivities are used for momentum and transport (and the values are specified in the next line). If itur=1, a step function model is used. If itur=2, the zero-equation Pacanowski and Philander closure is used. If itur=3, then the two-equation Mellor-Yamada-Galperin closure scheme is used (default scheme). If itur=-1, horizontally homogeneous but vertically varying diffusivities are used, which are read in from vvd.dat. If itur=-2, vertically homogeneous but horizontally varying diffusivities are used, which are read in from hvd.mom.and hvd.tran.  

  27. If itur=0, the next line is: vdiff, tdiff = constant diffusivities for momentum and transport.  

    If itur=2, the next line is: vdiff_max, vdiff_min, tp, tdiff_min. Eddy viscosity is computed as: vdiff=vdiff_max/(1+rich)^2+vdiff_min, and diffusivity tdiff=vdiff_max/tp/(1+rich)^2+tdiff_min, where rich is a Richardson number.

    If itur=3, the next line is: bgdiff, diffmax, hest_my, hcont_my, xlmin_est, xlmin_sea (background diffusivity, maximum diffusivity, cut depths for estuary and open sea and associatedmin. mixing lengths). The min. mixing length is computed as: L_min= xlmin_est for h<hest_my;  L_min= xlmin_sea for h>hcont_my; L_min= xlmin_est + (xlmin_sea - xlmin_est)  * (h-hest_my)/(hcont_my-hest_my) for hest_my <= h<=  hcont_my (h is the local depth).

  28. ihorcon,  horcon: horizontal diffusion option for momentum equation. If ihorcon=0, a constant diffusion coefficient (horcon) is used. If ihorcon=1, Smagorinsky paramertization is used and horcon is the dimensionless constant used in the scheme.

  29. Next 2 lines are not active at the moment. **********

  30. ****************************************** 

  31. ictemp, icsalt = options for specifying initial temperature and salinity field. If ictemp (or icsalt)=1, a vertically homogeneous but horizontally varying initial temperature (or salinity) field is contained in temp.ic (or salt.ic). If ictemp (or icsalt)=2, a horizontally homogeneous but vertically varying initial temperature (or salinity) field is contained in temp.ic (or salt.ic).  

  32. ispon_e, ispon_v, ispon_st: sponge layer options for elevation, velocity, and S,T (experiment stage). 0: off.

  33. ntip = total # of tidal potential forcing frequencies.  

  34. For k=1, ntip 

         talpha(k) = tidal constituent name;

         jspc(k), tamp(k), tfreq(k), tnf(k), tear(k) = tidal species # (0: declinational; 1: diurnal; 2: semi-diurnal), amplitude constants, frequency, nodal factor, earth equilibrium argument (in degrees);

    end for;  

  35. nbfr = total # of tidal boundary forcing frequencies.  

  36. For k=1, nbfr

         alpha(k) = tidal constituent name;

         amig(k), ff(k), face(k) = forcing frequency, nodal factor, earth equilibrium argument (in degrees) for constituents forced on the open ocean boundary;

    end for;  

    Next part requires info from obe.out:

  37. For j=1, nope  

    netaelem(j), iettype(j), ifltype(j), itetype(j), isatype(j) = # of elements on the open boundary segment j, b.c. flags for elevation, normal velocity, temperature, and salinity;

         if (iettype(j) == 1) !time history of elevation on this boundary

            no input in this file; time history of elevation is read in from elev.th;

         else if (iettype(j) == 2)  !this boundary is forced by a constant elevation

            ethconst = constant elevation

         else if (iettype(j) == 3) !this boundary is forced by tides

            for k=1, nbfr

                  alpha(k) = tidal constituent name;  

                  for i=1, netaelem(j)

                     emo(ietaelem(j,i),k), efa(ietaelem(j,i),k) !amplitude and phase for each element on this open boundary;  

                  end for

            end for;

         else if (iettype(j) == -1)  !radiation b.c.

            no input in this file; elevations are computed as average of surrounding eevations.


         if (ifltype(j) == 0)  !nornal vel. not specified

              no input needed

         else if (ifltype(j) == 1) !time history of discharge on this boundary

              no input in this file; time history of discharge is read in from flux.th;

         else if (ifltype(j) == 2)  !this boundary is forced by a constant discharge

              vthconst = constant discharge



         if (itetype(j) == 0)  !temperature not specified

              no input needed

         else if (itetype(j) == 1) !time history of temperature on  this boundary

              no input in this file; time history of temperature is read in from temp.th;

         else if (itetype(j) == 2)  !this boundary is forced by a constant temperature

              tthconst = constant temperature

          else if (itetype(j) == 3) !keep initial temperature profile

              no input is needed

        else if(itetype(j) == -1) !open b.c.

             tthconst = imposed temperature for inflow


                Salintiy b.c. closely follows temperature:

        if (isatype(j) == 0)  !salinity not specified  




  38. nspool, ihfskip: Global output skips. Output is done every nspool steps, and a new output file is opened every ihfskip steps (and in addition, a hotstart file is output at the same time if the flag nhstar is turned on below). Therefore the output is named as [1,2,3,...]_salt.63 etc.

  39. next 20 lines are global output options. They share the same structure, and thus only the first line is detailed here.  

    1. noutge = global elevation output control. If noutge=0, no global elevation is recorded. If noutge= 1, global elevation for each node  in the grid is recorded in n_elev.61 in binary format. The output is either starting from scratch or appended to existing ones depending on ihot.

    2. output options for atmospheric pressure (pres.61).

    3. output options for air temperature (airt.61).

    4. output options for specific humidity (shum.61).

    5. output options for solar radiation (srad.61).

    6. output options for short wave radiation (flsu.61).

    7. output options for long wave radiation (fllu.61).

    8. output options for upward heat flux (radu.61).

    9. output options for downward flux (radd.61).

    10. output options for total flux (flux.61).

    11. output options for wind speed (wind.62).

    12. output options for horizontal velocity (hvel.64).

    13. output options for vertical velocity (vert.63).

    14. output options for temperature (temp.63).

    15. output options for salinity (salt.63).

    16. output options for density (conc.63).

    17. output options for diffusivity (tdff.63).

    18. output options for turbulent kinetic energy (kine.63).

    19. output options for macroscale mixing length (mixl.63).

    20. output options for test variable.


  40. nhstar= hot start output control parameter. If nhstar=0, no hot start output (it_hotstart) is generated. If nhstar=1, hot start output is spooled to it_hotstart every ihfskip time steps, where it is the corresponding time step stamp. If a run needs to be hot started from step it, the user can create a symbolic link of hotstart.in to it_hotstart as the code expects the hot start input file to be the former.

  41. isolver, itmax1, iremove, zeta, tol = ITPACK solver control parameters.

    ·        If isolver=1, the Jacobian Conjugate Gradient Method is used (recommended);

    ·        If isolver=2, the Jacobian Semi-Iteration Method is used;

    ·        If isolver=3, the Successive Over-relaxation Conjugate Gradient Method is used;

    ·        If isolver=4, the Successive Over-relaxation Semi-Iteration Method is used;

    Recommended values for itmax1=1000, iremove=0, zeta=5.e-6, tol=1.e-13.


  42. iflux, ihcheck = parameter for checking volume, heat and salt budget balances. If turned on (=1), the conservation will be checked in a region specified, respectively, by fluxflag.gr3 and hcheck.gr3.

  43. iwmode: flag to decide either the continuity eq. or the vertical momentum eq. is used to solve for w. 

            iwmode=1: use continuity eq;
            iwmode=2: use vertical momentum eq;
            iwmode=3: use one of the 2 eqs. based on the flags (1 or 2) specified in wswitch.gr3.

  44. nsplit, dvel00, mnosm = mode splitting factor (i.e., the ratio between internal and external time steps), minimum vel. gradient for smoothing, max. # of iteration in smoothing (in general, no smoothing should be used unless absolutely necessary, and so one should set mnosm=0 and the value of dvel00 is not important in this case).

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Initial condition for S,T


Depending on the values of icsalt and ictemp (see parameter input file):

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Bottom drag (drag.bp)


If ntau=2 in param.in, this input is needed. It takes the form of a build point file:

0.0025 to 0.0045 from TP to Woody  !file decription
27918  !total # of nodes
1 386738.500000 285939.060000 0.004500 !node #, x, y, drag coefficient
2 386687.720000 286213.590000 0.004500
3 386421.090000 286172.160000 0.004500
4 386471.720000 286376.030000 0.004500
5 386678.380000 286483.440000 0.004500
6 386140.190000 286439.220000 0.004500
7 386387.280000 286557.310000 0.004500
8 386209.840000 286676.470000 0.004500

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wind (wind.th)


If nws=1 in param.in, a time history of wind speed must be specified in this file:

 5. 8.660254  ! x and y components of wind speed 
 5. 8.660254  
 5. 8.660254


Note that the speed varies linearly in time, and the time interval is specified in param.in.

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Time history input:


This includes elev.th, flux.th, temp.th, salt.th, which share same structure. Below is a sample flux.th:

300. -1613.05005 -6186.60156 !time (in sec), discharge at the 1st boundary with ifltype=1, discharge at the 2nd boundary with ifltype=1
600. -1611.37854 -6208.62549
900. -1609.39612 -6232.22314
1200. -1607.42651 -6254.24707
1500. -1605.45703 -6276.27148
1800. -1603.48743 -6298.2959
2100. -1601.3772 -6321.89307
2400. -1599.40772 -6343.91748
2700. -1597.43811 -6365.94141
3000. -1595.46863 -6387.96582
3300. -1593.49902 -6409.99023
3600. -1591.38879 -6433.5874
3900. -1589.41931 -6452.94287
4200. -1587.2959 -6472.29834


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This file is generated with the pre-processing flag in param.in, and info contained here is needed in param.in (e.g., # of open boundary elements) or in calculating tidal amplitudes and phases. 

3 # of open bnd
Element list:
251 bnd # 1
1 31587
2 31588
3 31589
4 31590
5 31592
6 31595
7 31601
8 31603
9 31605
10 31606


4 bnd # 2
1 31583
2 31584
3 31585
4 31586

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This is needed when nsubfl=1. It is the same as hgrid.gr3 except the depth indicates the # of subdivisions used in backtracking.

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If nadv=0, the advection on/off flags are the "bathymetry" (0: off; 1: on) in this grid file, which is otherwise similar to hgrid.gr3.

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Lat/long coordinates (hgrid.ll)


This file is identical to hgrid.gr3 except the x,y coordinates are replaced by lattitudes and longitudes.

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Heat exchange

This consists of a suite of input for wind and radiation fluxes found in a sub-directory hdf. When nws=2, the wind speed and atmospheric pressure are read in from this directory; when ihconsv=1, various fluxes are read in from it as well. The hdf files for various periods have been pre-computed by Mike Zulauf and deposited in a data base. Running his script inside hdf/ generates links to this data base for specified period:

/home/workspace/ccalmr/mazulauf/scripts/make_wind_links.csh yyyy d1 d2

where yyyy is the 4-digit year, d1 and d2 are the starting and ending Julian dates.

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When iwmode=3, the "depth" (either 1 or 2) of this grid file indicates the method used to solve for w. If depth=1, the continuity eq. is used; if depth=2, the vertical momentum eq. is used.


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Conservation check files (fluxflag.gr3 and hcheck.gr3)

  1. Mass conservation (fluxflag.gr3)

    The "depths" of this grid file divide the whole domain into 3 regions: 0, 1 and 2, where regions "1" and "2" must be adjacent to each other. The total volume and various fluxes in regions "1" and "2" are computed.
  2. Heat and salt budget: (hcheck.gr3)

    The "depth" (either 0 or 1) indicates the region of interest. Heat and salt budgets are checked inside region 1.

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vvd.dat, hvd.mom, and hvd.tran

  1. vvd.dat:

    43 !total # of vertical levels;
    1 1.e-2 1.e-4 !level #, viscosity, diffusivity
    2 1.e-2 1.e-4
    3 1.e-2 1.e-4
  2. hvd.mom & hvd.tran (build point format)

    hvd.mom  !file decription
    27918  !total # of nodes
    1 386738.500000 285939.060000 0.0045 !node #, x, y, viscosity/diffusivity
    2 386687.720000 286213.590000 0.004 

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Amplitudes and phases of boundary forcings


To generate amplitudes and phases for each element on a particular open boundary , follow these steps (scripts and sample input can be found in amb24:~yinglong/ElcircScripts/TIDES/):

  1. Generate obe.out and save the open element list for this boundary as ocean.elem;
  2. Get the x,y,depth part of centers.bp only (i.e., delete the first 2 lines and  all leading spaces);
  3. Run spcs.pl, with input (in order): centers.bp, centers.ll, 2, 1, 8, 1, 3601, wo, 2;
  4. Put the deleted 2 lines of centers.bp to centers.ll (to make it a build point file);
  5. Make sure centers.ll is inside edpac2xy.gr3 (with gredit);
  6. Run ecpbp.f to get centers.nos8;
  7. Generate centers.sta with genbcs.f;
  8. Run intel_deg.f to get amplitudes/phases of all frequencies. Input (in order): edpac2xy.gr3, centers.sta, teanl.tct, ap.dat. Locate relevant constituents in ap.dat by matching frequencies.

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Nodal factor and equilibrium arguments


Scripts (tid_e) and sample input (tide_colu.com) can be found in amb24:~yinglong/ElcircScripts/TIDES/NodalFactor/. There is also a README there.

To generate nodal factor and equilibrium argument at a particular time, first change the time in the first line of tide_colu.com; e.g., for April 30, 2001:

0830040120 !Hour (PST), Day, Month, Year(1995 -> 9519) ; note the 8 hrs difference between 00GMT and 00PST

Then run the script on amb24 as: tid_e < tide_colu.com > out, and the file out contains nodal factors and arguments for all constituents.

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Hot start input

This file is always in direct-access binary format, and all integers (i.e., those beginning with i-n) occupy nbyte=4 (bytes), and all real variables are in double precision (8 bytes).  Depending on the value of the turbulence closure flag itur, it assumes 2 different forms:

If itur=3:

Total record length ihot_len=nbyte*(3+4*ne+2*ne*(nvrt+1)+4*ns*(nvrt+1)+4*ns*nvrt+3*np+7*np*(nvrt+1)+8*np*nvrt+1)+12

The variables in order are:

time,iths,(eta1(i),eta2(i), (we(i,j),j=0,nvrt),i=1,ne), ((vn2(i,j),vt2(i,j),j=0,nvrt),(tsd(i,j),ssd(i,j),j=1,nvrt),i=1,ns) ,(peta(i),ibad(i),(uu1(i,j),vv1(i,j),ww1(i,j),nosm(i,j),j=0,nvrt), 
(tnd(i,j),snd(i,j),tem0(i,j),sal0(i,j),j=1,nvrt),i=1,np),((q2(i,j),xl(i,j),j=0,nvrt), i=1,ns),ifile,ifile_char

where (eta1(i),eta2(i), (we(i,j),j=0,nvrt),i=1,ne)  is equivalent to:

do i=1,ne



 do j=0,nvrt





and ifile_char is a 12-character string corresponding to ifile.


If itur/=3:

Delete q2 and xl in the list, i.e., ((q2(i,j),xl(i,j),j=0,nvrt), i=1,ns). The total record length ihot_len is reduced by ns*(nvrt+1)*16.

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Output files

Global output


There are 4 types of output in Elcirc4.01, which correspond to the following 4 types of suffixes:

  1. *.61: 2D scalar - no vertical structure (elevation and 9 other variables used in the heat exchange model);
  2. *.62: 2D vector - no vertical structure: wind speed (u,v);
  3. *.63: 3D scalar - got vertical structure (vertical vel., temperature, salinity, density, diffusivity, turbulent kinetic energy and mixing length);
  4. *.64: 3D vector - got vertical structure: horizontal vel.

Every output variable is defined on hgrid.gr3, i.e. nodes. The output can be in either ASCII or binary format, only the latter being described here. The header part contains grid and other useful info:

  1. Data format description: 'DataFormat v2'
  2. version (char*48): version of Elcirc;
  3. start_time (char*48): start time of the run;
  4. variable_nm (char*48): variable description;
  5. variable_dim (char*48): '2D(3D) scalar(vector)'
  6. # of time steps (int), output time step (real), skip (int), ivs (=1 or 2 for scalar or vector flag), i23d (=2 or 3
    2D or 3D), vpos (=0, 0.5, 1 meaning no vertical structure, at half level or whole level);

Vertical grid part:

  1. zmsl (real): z-cor of MSL;
  2. nvrt: toatal # of vertical levels;
  3. do k=1,nvrt
         z-cor of each (whole) level;

Horizontal grid part:

  1. np: # of nodes;
  2. ne: # of elements;
  3. do m=1,np
      h(m) (depth)
      kbp(m) (bottom index)
  4. do m=1,ne
      nm(m,1): nodal index

Time iteration part:

  1. time (real);
  2. it: iteration #;
  3. do i=1,np
      kfp(i): surface index of node i;
  4. do i=1,np
      if(i23d=2) then !2D output
         if(ivs.eq.1) out1
         if(ivs.eq.2) out1,out2
      else !i23d=3 !3D output
         do k=kbp(i),nvrt
               if(ivs.eq.1) out1
               if(ivs.eq.2) out1,out2
         enddo !k
    enddo !i

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Warning and fatal messages

Warning message (fort.12) contains non-fatal warnings, while fatal message file (fort.11) is useful for debugging.

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Run info output (mirror.out)


This is a mirror image of screen output and is particularly useful when the latter is suppressed with nscreen=0. Below is a sample:


There are 85902 sides in the grid...
done computing geometry...
done classifying boundaries...
You are using baroclinic model
Check slam0 and sfea0 as variable Coriolis is used
Warning: you have chosen a heat conservation model
which assumes start time at 0:00 PST!
Last parameter in param.in is mnosm= 0
done reading grids...
done initializing outputs
done initializing cold start
hot start at time= 0.00000000000000D+000 0

calculating grid weightings for wind_file_1

calculating grid weightings for wind_file_2

wind file starting Julian date: 127.000000000000 
wind file assumed UTC starting time: 8.00000000000000 
done initializing variables...
time stepping begins... 1 2016
done computing initial levels...
Total # of faces= 1914122
done computing initial nodal vel...
done computing initial density...

calculating grid weightings for rad fluxes

rad fluxes file starting Julian date: 127.000000000000 
rad fluxes file assumed UTC starting time: 8.00000000000000 


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